Plugins are an easy way to use local services written in JS in aqua cli. Let's have a look at how it works with an Aqua code example:
-- struct that we want to return from a service
data Result:
left: u32
right: u32
-- service that returns 'Result' data
service ResultGetter("getter"):
get() -> Result
-- service that can sum the result
service Adder("adder"):
sum(r: Result) -> u64
-- a function that bundles the execution of services
func getAndSum() -> u64:
result <- ResultGetter.get()
sum <- Adder.sum(result)
<- sum
We want to execute and check if the Aqua code works before we start to implement the service in Rust and deploy it to Fluence nodes. We can implement these services on JS. Files must be with .mjs extension and with this service scheme:
// exported function name must be `plugins` without arguments
export function plugins() {
return {
// not service name!
service_id: {
// can be async
function_name: () => {
// js code here